Coach Kevin Eastman
Relationships are important. You never know when an old relationship will come in or out of your life and play a critical role.
How do I become one of the people that doesn’t fall into the W
The W – waste this time or wait for it to break
2 Questions to ask every day
- Did I waste yesterday
- How will I feel if I waste today?
Daily reminders
1) Appreciation – make sure the people who help me
2) Empathy – 2 pairs of shoes (the one you wear – comfortable) (The player or the people you lead)
3) Others – in leadership, it is always about others first
Let’s all of us walk our talk – it’s uncomfortable for us too (this pandemic)
- We tell our players all the time to be comfortable being uncomfortable
- Time for us to live out our words
- The medium has change but if our message was good before then the message should not change. Figure out a way to accomplish things in difficult circumstances.
Controllable Commitment List
3 parts
- Myself
- That’s all about me personally: attitude, energy, effort, reactions, choices, words
- Now more than ever in leadership positions, our words matter immensely
- My day (needs to fit you)
- My best buckets: if I can fill these 7 buckets I’m at my best
- Family bucket
- Work bucket
- Faith/spiritual bucket
- Exercise bucket
- Think time bucket (only allow silence, me, my thoughts, a pad, pen)
- Reading bucket
- Sleep bucket
- My job (needs to fit you)
- # of people I help
- Communication I have
- Content I create (work on how you can teach in fewer words – talk in bullets not paragraphs)
- The preparation I put in
Coach Eastman’s Journey
- It’s not only about networking
- Networking is just a number – how many people you meet
- Networking can easily turn into not working if you focus on meeting everyone
- You need to make the relationships strong – nurture them
- How do you build relationships:
- When around 1st time or 2 ask sparingly about things they like
- Once I know that answer I can use that to nurture the relationships
- I will send people things they like
- Relationships aren’t about give and get
- It’s give, give, give, give, give and potentially eventually receive (Goodness gods)
- Did not get in the NBA until 46 or 48 years old
- Be intentional
- What you do on purpose to fulfill your purpose
- There’s a difference between intentional and intention
- Intentional: front of mind, priority
- Intention: If I get to it?
- Know it all or learn it all?
- Seek and find mission
- On the journey to learn new things
- The separator is once you seek and find you have to “think and apply”
- Knowledge is not power, until you apply it. The application turns it into power
- Success leaves footprints: 3 F’s
- Find them, follow them, Fit them
- Big eyes, big ear, small mouth
- Watching coaches, learn from the best
- Who can you meet with? Whose brain can I pick
- I already know what I know, if all I know is what I know then I don’t know enough”
- Never pass up a basketball opportunity
- I don’t win an NBA Championship if I didn’t say “yes” when I was driving down the interstate and got a call to be a fill-in at a clinic
- Gives talk on skill development
- George Raveling was in the stands – gets Coach to work the Nike All-American Camp
- Gets hired by Nike to work out best players
- Gets asked to work out a HS team
- Doc Rivers son was on the team
- Doc hires him to be the skill development coach
- Win the challenge of the room
- Be the most prepared person in the room (know about the speakers)
- Be the best note taker in the room
- Be the best question asker in the room
- Be the best listener in that room
- Be the most respectful in that room
- Always have a pen and a notepad
- Sometimes you have the title of basketball coach and you never coach basketball
- You can still coach (do you coaching when guys get out of the drill or when practice is over)
- Took notes in Celtics practice, typed them up and gave them to Doc
- Be better than most at something in the game
- This is how you get noticed
- What’s my reputation out there?
- A good rep, a bad rep or no rep
- Bad rep or no rep don’t help you at all
- Went to clinics to meet new people and learn
- Be courteous / be respectful
- Workout to look the part
- Can separate yourself through “depth”
- The questions you ask
- The relationships you build
- The knowledge you possess
- Be authentic
- 3 Sets you must master
- Skill set (expertise),
- mind set (energy, optimism),
- reset (mistakes you make/how you react)
- How do you treat failure? Devastation or education
- Know it all or learn it all
- Never waste a failure
- 3-Dimensional look at success
- Learn from the past
- Produce in the present – be an all-star in your role: DeAndre Jordan
- Prepare for the future – “be there, before you get there”: Ray Allen story
- Ray Allen already took the big shots he made in games thousands of times on his own
What I learned in the NBA
- The power of relationship building
- When you’re coaching the best, you have to have a relationship
- You can’t drive them without that relationship
- What’s important:
- We cared what makes them talk
- What makes them listen
- Now you know what makes them tick
- The importance of truth
- The truth means 3 things
- Live it – actions match words – this gets buy-in – your players are watching
- Tell it
- Relationship & communications are about 2 things: Who & How
- There is so much more positivity in the NBA than negativity
- You can be demanding and not demeaning
- Take it
- Don’t run from the truth – it’s good for you – develops you
- The truth means 3 things
- Have to get buy-in, this is how:
- You better know your stuff
- Trustworthiness
- Work ethic – players need to know you work
- Can’t be in it for yourself
- Two critical words: “Next”
- “Next”
- Next level thinking
- Next scouting report
- “Every”
- When we lost we talk about what we didn’t do
- You realize that every day counts when you coach
- They all add up to the results you get
- “Next”
- You want expectations
- That means your fans care
- That means people think you should be in the fight
- Don’t shy away from expectations
Communication: how to improve it?
- Questions to ask – Coach to player
- “Other than your family, who in sports do you respect the most?”
- “Tom Brady”
- Read about Tom Brady all year and sent anything he read to the player
- At some point every player asks “why did you send me that article”
- Once they do that, I’m in. They just let me in the door with their curiosity.
- Player to player
- You can’t lead without listening
- One way communication is not leadership
Decision making: how to improve it
- Hesitation causes it: must find out what is causing the hesitation to fix it
- Knowledge of the game: must improve understanding of guy’s game to improve him
- Watch film on great players
- Have discussions about why this guy is great
- What did this guy do that made him great?
- Drills: Put drills in to reinforce proper decision making
- An assistant coach should never give up on a player
- If he’s not listening to you pass him onto another assistant and let him take a crack at it
- The HC decides when to give up on a player
How did your time as an AD help pull you?
- Mike Rhoades was the HC at the time at RMC
- Got an appreciation for what the coaches go through in all different sports
- Learned from Rhoades: he was continually working on his craft
- Helped me learn about leadership
Where you intentional in the formation of your “Power words” (From his book)
- Started with “truth” and ended with “talent” out of 25 words
- He was – those 2 words were the only ranked words out of the 25
- Catch them doing something right
- “truth” doesn’t mean negative, it can be positive too
- “talent” every NBA team has it
- Players with “talent” lose
- NBA teams want “talented” players
- The “E” and the “D” stand for extra dimensions
- What are the extra dimensions?
- Could be resiliency
- Could be detail
- Could be preparation
- Could be the realization that failure is a learning opportunity
How to you network to build relationships so they aren’t solely about basketball?
- Coffee meetings
- Sending things they are interested in
- I don’t force relationships
- I give and if it’s supposed to be returned it will be
- I’m not offended if people turn me down
How do you manage the thin line between resetting/moving on & making sure players know you care that the team has lost or failed?
- “What I’ve learned in the past is that moving on is better than hanging on”
- “What you don’t know is I watched the film 3 times last night”
- “I never want to say something right after the game that I have to apologize for tomorrow”
- Avg length of time of Doc Rivers post-game talk: maybe 47 seconds
- “The good coaches never have to apologize the next day”
- So much of this comes back to the “who” & “how”
The best way to get to their mind is through their heart
- The stronger the relationship the harder you can coach a guy
Comparison is the thief of joy – is there an appropriate time to use comparison?
- Yes, but it comes back to the “who”
- Chris Paul story: “They say” booklet – i.e. “They say Tony Parker is better at finding open guys than Chris Paul”